The Australasian Youth Justice Administrators (AYJA), in consultation with host agency Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children and conference partner University of Auckland, have determined that the Australasian Youth Justice Conference 2021 (AYJC 2021) will become an online conference. This decision has been made to ensure the safety of those taking part as well as enabling the greatest number of people to be involved and have a consistent experience.
The theme of AYJC 2021 is Delivering Youth Justice for the Community, by the Community and conference planning was well advanced to deliver a face-to-face event that highlighted community-led innovation. However, after much deliberation over the current COVID-19 situation in New Zealand and Australia as well as the potential for further disruption to international travel, AYJA has decided to pivot the conference to a virtual format. The safety of our communities is our foremost priority.
AYJA is excited to be entering the digital space for the first time and delivering AYJC 2021 as an online event. The University of Auckland uses an exciting and well-established online platform that lifts the virtual experience above the many video calls most of us have become familiar with. Our plan is to bring you the same exceptional line-up of keynote speakers and concurrent streams of oral, panel and poster presentations, while providing a variety of opportunities for interactive Q&A sessions, networking hubs and access to exclusive content during and after the conference.
Be ready to make the most of this online youth justice conference experience and the unique engagement and networking opportunities that come your way with peers, thought leaders, and fellow AYJA members.
We look forward to seeing you at AYJC 2021 Online. More information about our programme will be available shortly.